Episode 65: Getting Drivers Excited About Fuel Efficiency, with Bob Magnant
Bob joined Vnomics in 2013 and is responsible for leading overall product strategy and product management. Prior to joining Vnomics, Bob managed a team at Harris Corporation’s RF Communications Division responsible for launching and growing new products in adjacent markets within the US and internationally. He brings with him experience with strategic partnerships, business development, and new product launches. Bob holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and an MBA from the Simon Graduate School of Business.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- How joining Vnomics as its Vice President of Product Management was Bob’s first exposure to the trucking industry
- How Vnomics assists drivers to be as fuel-efficient as possible, and why drivers feel their efficiency scoring is fair
- How Vnomics calculates driver efficiency using a model to determine what aspects of the tractor’s fuel use are within the driver’s control
- How Vnomics helps fleets add a fuel bonus incentive to their offerings, and how it spurs competition between drivers
- Why fuel efficiency offers benefits beyond just savings on fuel costs
- What methods Vnomics uses to track fuel efficiency and assist fleets in finding fuel savings
- How it’s not uncommon for fleets to gain fuel savings from 3-10%, and why that can save fleets $50-200 per tractor per month
- In what ways fleets can use the extensive data gathered by Vnomics
- How the pilot program works, and how carriers can engage Vnomics to see if their fuel efficiency can be improved
- How to contact Bob and reach out to Vnomics for further information on their services
How to contact Bob Magnant:
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bob-magnant-38955223/
- Telephone: (585) 377-9700
- Email: bmagnant@vnomicscorp.com
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