Episode 71: Rapid Growth in a Small Company, with Bryan Thompson

Bryan Thompson is the terminal manager at Feta Transportation with over 10 years of industry experience. Bryan wears many hats within Feta Transportation including being the safety director and the terminal manager operations dispatch. In the end, Bryan provides operational leadership to drivers and dispatchers to meet service obligations needed at Feta Transportation.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • What diverse and flexible roles Bryan fills with Feta Transportation as their Terminal Manager
  • Why Feta Transportation’s dedicated round-trip routes are an attractive benefit for their drivers
  • How Feta’s pay, benefit structure, and dedicated routes are a coordinated recruiting package
  • Why Bryan has struggled to find a good health insurance plan, and why the pay at Feta is higher as a result
  • How working for a small company helps Bryan stay in better communication with his drivers
  • What recruiting efforts Bryan is using, and why word-of-mouth advertising has been a great tool
  • Why drivers that leave Feta Transportation often return later thanks to Feta’s better pay structure
  • How Feta’s owner got started as a lone driver with one truck, and how Feta has grown to 100 trucks in four years
  • Why Bryan believes that treating drivers like people and not just “another number” has helped their growth
  • What Feta Transportation has planned for the future, and why the focus will be on office staff rather than equipment

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