Episode 154: Chelsee In Pink: From Recruiter To Driver

You might have heard of today’s guest, Chelsee Patton, Director of Recruiting at Riverside Transport, Inc (RTI) aka Chelsee in Pink. 

Six years ago, Chelsee got a job as a recruiter at RTI, not knowing what the future held for her. She subsequently fell in love with recruiting and began to think about how she could make things better for drivers. 

She went back to school, got her MBA, but really wanted to experience, for herself, what the drivers went through, what the culture was like, what life on the road is like. So she got her CDL permit and filmed the whole process to create a brand ambassador campaign and used the content she created to recruit drivers through her vlogging.

Her Chelsee Campaign was so successful, RTI’s owner gave her a pink truck and she drove across the country, recording and vlogging the journey and really experiencing what life was like as a full time driver, on her YouTube channel and her Facebook page – Chelsee in Pink.

Of course, as a recruiter, you might not want to do this yourself, but Chelsee has learned so much, so don’t miss this invaluable episode. She shares lots of great tips for you to use in your own recruitment campaigns, as well as talking about what dispatchers can do to build relationships with drivers. 


  • Getting her CDL and life as a driver
  • Chelsee in Pink
  • The importance of driver retention in 2021
  • Creating content for FB ads
  • Teaching the dispatcher/driver relationship
  • What recruiters need to tell drivers


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