Episode 125: Developing A Growth Mindset with Jeff Mariola

What do you and Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, have in common?

Well, if you’re a leader wanting to grow your business and you’re listening to this podcast for inspiration, then you likely have a growth mindset. And that is what you share with Satya.

Growth mindset is what Chad and Jeff Mariola, Chief Growth Officer at Mariola Unlimited, discuss in this week’s episode of Recruit and Retain.

“You can have all the IQ in the world, but if you don’t apply the effort to the skills that you have, it’s not going to translate into high performing leadership. The key is you have to have a growth mindset.”

With more than 25 years of successful CEO leadership experience under his belt, garnered at two multinational businesses and two entrepreneurial start-ups, Jeff has earned his reputation for creating cultures that encourage high growth.

Jeff’s tenure as CEO is hallmarked by his mentorship and development of his management teams, with over 15 of his direct reporting managers now in C-level positions.

Jeff’s ability to inspire and stretch his teams beyond their expectations is due to his deep-seated belief that it’s his responsibility as a leader to nurture his employees on both a personal and business level.

So if you’re wondering what you should be doing with your business right now, if you’re confused about how your business will weather the coming storm, Jeff’s advice for leaders, in particular on how to put a growth mindset into practice, is incredibly pertinent.

Once you have a high performing team, you can have a high performing company.


  • What is a growth mindset?
  • How managers can put growth mindset into practice
  • The importance of having a company vision
  • Celebrate failure as long as you learn from it
  • How to make sure your team is developing
  • Questions leaders need to ask themselves right now


  • jeff@mariolaunlimited.com
  • www.Mariolaunlimited.com
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