Episode 173: Episode 172 – How to Improve Quality of Leads, Recruiter Sales Skills & Driver Recruiting with Leah Shaver, Brad Jones & Beth Potratz at the Iowa Motor Truck Association

Are you struggling to recruit and retain drivers, then don’t miss this third installment of Recruit and Retain fresh from the Iowa Motor Truck Association. 

In our third episode to discuss all things driver recruitment marketing are Leah Shaver, President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute; Brad Jones, President and CEO of Saige Partners, a driver talent acquisition firm; and Beth Potratz, CEO for Drive My Way.

So, should you include pay in your driver adverts? Why is using a stock photo a bad decision for a driver recruitment post? And what can you do to improve your marketing efforts and improve the quality of leads coming in. 

“One of the things that we’re doing differently is we’re actually marketing a driver assessment. And then we’re spending money on the drivers that pass that assessment. I know they’re a higher quality driver, because the data is showing that the drivers that pass these assessments do stick around longer.”

Finally, how do you attract drivers who aren’t looking to change jobs?

These are just a few of the questions we delve into in this episode. To find out all the answers and more, download and listen now. 

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Should you put pay on your advert?
  • Why stock photos in ads don’t work
  • How to attract passive job seekers
  • Why pay isn’t a driver’s #1 motivator
  • How to improve your recruiter’s sales skills


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