Episode 107: How technology can power recruitment and reduce driver turnover

Does your trucking company struggle to retain drivers? Perhaps you are thinking about introducing technology to aid your recruitment efforts. Then you should listen to this week’s episode with Jeremy Lamph, VP of Operations at JLE Industries. 

JLE Industries have increased the number of trucks they run in the last 5 years from 50 to 350, and they’re set to hit 371 by the end of the year. This is a phenomenal achievement all possible thanks to finding and recruiting drivers. 

So just how has technology helped JLE industries grow to become number 742 on the Inc 5000 fastest growing companies list, and number 8 on the Pittsburgh 50 fastest growing companies list? Jeremy says the company is constantly asking: 

“What does the driver want? And how can we make that work with what we’re trying to get done?”

Credit has to go to the company’s decision to be a media company first. Through the regular creation and dissemination of content that engages drivers and would be drivers, the media they create talks to the potential drivers ahead of time, shaving off valuable application time and moving drivers through the application process as quickly as possible. 

Because ultimately that is what the driver wants, and what the company needs. 


  • How tech has helped them grow
  • Why they make their own tech rather than buy someone else’s
  • How the app is going to help the driver
  • The advantages of an in-house media team
  • What makes their recruiting process so successful
  • How they attract so many driver applications
  • Why the quick hire mentality doesn’t always work, but is worth it every time
  • What’s been happening inside the company that reduces their driver turnover


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