Episode 43:  Determining the Best Fleets to Drive For, with Jane Jazrawy

Jane Jazrawy co-founded CarriersEdge in Canada in 2005. Three years later, this firm partnered with the Truckload Carriers Association to establish the Best Fleets to Drive For program that recognizes top firms in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Under her leadership, CarriersEdge also offers valuable resources for trucking companies that will improve the overall quality of drivers who work for them. A former schoolteacher, Jazrawy came into the trucking industry with a desire to provide in-service and educational opportunities delivered in ways that allowed drivers to maximize their time on the road and not have to sacrifice their weekends in a classroom setting.

“What we decided to do was try to start a conversation about HR practices. We were modeling it after Fortune 100 best workplaces . . . because we noticed that there wasn’t any trucking company on those lists.”

– Jane Jazrawy

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How a former middle school teacher transitioned into an advocate for computer-based education opportunities during the 1990s and saw the potential of web-based education and training in the trucking industry by the early 2000s
  • The significance of offering regulatory training and continuing education in a way that keeps truckers on the road instead of diverting them to physical classrooms
  • Ways that training, human resource practices, and other elements can raise the stature of working within the trucking industry when compared with other industries
  • The growing significance of women within the trucking industry
  • The important steps of the “Best Fleets to Drive For” process that assesses talent in transportation companies that recruit top-notch drivers through: 1. Driver nomination, 2. Answering of a 100-question questionnaire that focuses on all aspects of business, 3. Detailed interview that thoroughly goes over the questionnaire, and 4. Analyzing data to see which companies are best to drive for
  • How sharing best practices within the industry improves things overall
  • The significance of understanding the culture within a company, especially when looking at how culture impacts retention with and overall perceptions of the company
  • The importance of determining what companies are doing to promote best practices such as high-quality training
  • How obtaining constructive evaluations from outside of the company provides important feedback that allows the company to improve its practices

Ways to contact Jane:

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