Episode 106: The Future of Technology in the Trucking Industry with Gilbert Aspeitia
Retaining drivers has become the single biggest challenge for the trucking industry. According to ATA estimates, the industry is currently at 100% driver turnover, and the average cost of recruiting a single driver is approximately $6,000.
So what can carriers do about the issue? In today’s episode of Recruit and Retain, Chad talks to Gilbert Aspeitia, President and Founder of DriverSync. DriverSync is a cutting-edge tool that provides immediate visibility to driver retention issues in real time. It puts carriers in sync with their driver work force and helps eliminate retention barriers, leading to better communication and a more engaged driver.
Because this is one topic we can’t have too much communication on – there’s this idea that drivers are the most important part of a carrier, but in reality that isn’t high up on their priority list.
So if you want to improve your driver retention by taking heed of their feedback, you don’t want to miss out on this episode.
- Gilbert’s journey through transportation
- How relationships caused him to move into the technology side of the trucking industry
- The biggest issue in transportation
- Is the future of trucking autonomous?
- Everything starts and ends with leadership
- How can you feel a part of an organization if you don’t know what the company vision is?
- His strategy for getting the whole carrier fleet on board
- Making Driver Sync part of your company culture
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilbert-aspeitia-a957b215/
- URL: https://www.driver-sync.com/
- Twitter: @DriverSync
- Email: sales@driver-sync.com
- Call: 817 807 3404
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