Episode 172: The Insider’s Guide to Driver Recruitment Marketing with Leah Shaver, Brad Jones & Beth Potratz at the Iowa Motor Truck Association

If you’re struggling to attract drivers, then don’t miss this second installment of Recruit and Retain fresh from the Iowa Motor Truck Association. 

In this episode, discussing all things driver recruitment marketing, are Leah Shaver, President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute; Brad Jones, President and CEO of Saige Partners, a driver talent acquisition firm; and Beth Potratz, CEO for Drive My Way.

“We have four different generations of folks working today in the trucking industry, and all of them respond differently to different things, and are interested in different things that they’re going to experience at the workplace.”

So if you’ve been wondering what to put on your FB ads to catch a driver’s eye. If you’re not sure how to differentiate your carrier (hint – be unique). Or if you have a very small marketing budget, then download and listen to this latest episode and take advantage of not one, but three perspectives on how to up your marketing efforts. 

“People don’t necessarily move because something is better. When we’re using a lot of social media for advertising, it does have to stand out. Otherwise it doesn’t filter through the noise.”

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How to write effective FB ads
  • The importance of language in marketing
  • Why you should highlight your internal core values in your ads
  • How to improve the quality of your leads
  • Marketing tips on a small budget


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