Episode 6:  Find What You Can Change and Change It, with Tom Knasel

Tom Knasel is a Senior Recruiting Manager at Industrial Transport Services. He describes himself as a process improvement manager who just happens to be involved in truck recruiting.

“Your results are what you have designed your process to produce. If you’re not happy with your results, then your process is to blame.”

– Tom Knasel

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Tom’s initial dive into process improvements by measuring what was right and what was wrong
  • How we create problems for ourselves by creating unnecessary boxes and putting ourselves inside them which makes us very stale and impersonal
  • What makes driving intrinsically unsatisfying for truck drivers
  • How to set up a driver for success during their initial interview through what Tom calls inversions and conversions
  • The kinds of questions you should be asking during the interview process to see if a driver is the right fit
  • Looking for what you can change inside your business to make it work better for your drivers which will help you retain more

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